A Year Come True

Yes, this is one of those start of the year posts. I hope not only to recap on what happened in 2014 but to reflect and, most importantly, to be thankful for the opportunities I have been presented with.

Merry Chirstmas from Chonchai!

Merry Christmas from Chonchai!

For the second year in a row I spent the Christmas holidays and New Years celebrations in a different country, in a different continent than my beloved family. I have to say, it was so much harder the second time around. Maybe because I actually had one of my sisters by my side last year or because I really thought that in 2014 I’d finally be home. As the days to Christmas Day approached I became sadder and almost angry with myself for allowing myself to be away during my favorite time of the year. I was in a foreign country and with people I hardly knew. It just wasn’t Christmas. Christmas Day came around and I actually had a nice time. Yeah it was unconventional but it was a pleasant experience spending it at a Thai high school and playing Christmas themed hang man with all my students, watching Christmas routines and dance competitions, singing Christmas songs with the Thai teachers among other festivities. It is definitely an experience I will never forget. For New Years, a few people and I headed south to 3 Thai islands to soak up some sun and party on the beach.


As we headed south I began to realize how lucky I was to be here. Though I’d been having trouble adjusting to life in Thailand, I couldn’t help but feel so happy and thankful for the chance to enjoy other cultures, meeting and making new friends. Our little group spent 4 days in Koh Samui, one night in Koh Phangan and our last night in

First night, party on Koh Samui!

First night, party on Koh Samui!

Koh Tao. Koh Phangan, known for the full moon parties, was our destination to spend New Years Eve and we planned to party hard on the beach. Koh Phangan did not disappoint. It was a lot of fun and I really let myself let go that night and even woke up the next morning feeling out of character. ‘Who am I?‘ I thought.(No i was not drunk or on drugs, it was more like a momentarily existential crisis =P) Although I entered 2015 feeling and behaving a little out of character, I couldn’t help but feel happy and began to reflect on the year I had and how all those things that happened had led to that moment, that strike of midnight that signaled a new beginning.

Beach time before New Years Eve party

Beach time before New Years Eve party

I will call 2014 a year come true. In 2014 I did, saw and experienced so much, perhaps more than I had ever before. I won’t say it was the best year ever, for I have had many years and there are, hopefully, many more to come. But it sure marks a huge milestone in my life. I was already living in England when 2014 rolled around but this was the year that I did most of my traveling. While being a full-time masters student I managed to travel to Germany (Berlin), Ireland, Greece (Island of Crete), Italy, France (Paris), Iceland and Wales (for a day, but still). I also completed a master’s thesis–which nearly broke my spirit for good but that’s a different story. I also saw my family after a year of being away, only to move again, this time to Thailand and begin a job as an English teacher. 2014 was a year come true because it was the year that I somehow gathered the courage to do the things I’d been wanting to do for a long time. I ceased every opportunity to travel while I was in Europe even if it meant going at it alone. I also completed graduate school! It was something that always seemed unreachable, like I wasn’t capable of achieving. And as for moving to Thailand, I had traveled a bit around Europe and I had been dying to travel to anywhere in Asia and here I am! I am living in this great country and learning so much about Thai people and culture. Seriously, who would have thought that little ol’ Mexican-American me, whose parents emigrated from Mexico over 25 years ago, would be traveling the world? Ok, maybe not the world, but that is something I want to do. The more I see only exposes me to more I have yet to see and the world is a rich and diverse place, I have so much more to uncover.

Nang Yuan: Smaller island off of Koh Tao

Nang Yuan: Smaller island off of Koh Tao

Sadly 2014 is gone and apparently I left my sense of self in the past, but it is thrilling to think about the opportunities that 2015 will bring. I hope 2014 was the gateway to many more years come true in the future not only for me for all of you out there reading 🙂 I won’t promise 2015 to be the best year ever or that it will be smooth sailing, but 2015 will be amazing if you let it!

Temple in Koh Samui

Temple in Koh Samui

Waterfall on Koh Samui

Waterfall on Koh Samui

Beach time before New Years Eve party

Beach time before New Years Eve party

Happy New Year to all! ❤